Dr. Amir Vahdat Ophthalmologist
Dr. Amir Vahdat, FEBO
Hello, my name is Dr. Amir Vahdat, and I am glad to welcome you to our practice pages.
I am a doctor for general and pediatric ophthalmology, and I specialised in diagnostics and therapy of macular diseases, diabetic retinal damages and retinal vein occlusion.
More about me:
04/2003 – 04/2009Medical studies, University of Cologne
04/2009State examination
09/2011Doctorate at the Medical Faculty, University of Cologne (Dr. med.)
05/2014Approbation as FEBO („Fellow of European Board of Ophthalmology“, European recognition as a specialist by examination in Paris)
09/2014Approbation as ophthalmologist
08/2009 – 05/2013Further training in ophthalmology, St.-Martinus-Krankenhaus Düsseldorf (Chief physician: PD Dr. Klaus Dieter Lemmen)
01/2011 – 05/2013Side activity as assistant physician in the practice of Prof. Renate Unsöld, additionally further training in neuroophthalmology
06/2013 – 08/2014Further training in ophthalmology in the practice of PD Dr. K. D. Lemmen (retinology) and Prof. Dr. Renate Unsöld (neuroophthalmology), Blumenstr. 28, 40212 Düsseldorf
since 09/2014Medical work as ophthalmologist at the ophthalmic practice Blumenstr. 28, 40212 Düsseldorf
01/2005 – 12/2010Work at the Laboratory for Immunotherapy of the Medical Faculty of the University of Cologne in the team of von Prof. Dr. E. Pogge Von Strandmann, supervised by private lecturer H. Hansen; thesis: „TNF-alpha-Konvertase (TACE/ADAM 17)-abhängige Freisetzung von membranständigem CD30 durch Proteasomen-lnhibition unter Beteiligung von reaktiven Sauerstoffspezies (ROS)“
09/2011Doctorate at the Medical Faculty, University of Cologne (Dr. med.)
- Publication „TNF-alpha-converting enzyme (T ACE/ ADAM17)-dependent loss of CD30 induced by proteasome inhibition through reactive oxygen species“ Leukemia (2009)
- Lecture „Schlafapnoe und NAION (Nicht entzündliche anteriore ischämische Optico-Neuropathie“ at the 2nd Interdisciplinary Symposion on optic nerve infarction (NAION) and stroke (Scientific supervision: Prof. Dr. R. Unsöld) Düsseldorf (2013)
PD Dr. Klaus Dieter Lemmen
Many years of experience as senior physician and chief physician in specific eye clinics. Focus: Age-related macular degeneration, retinal diseases and diabetes-induced retina diseases
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Dr. Katarina Vahdat
Focus: general ophthalmology and pediatric ophthalmology. Treatment of various macula diseases, diabetic retinopathy and diabetic maculopathy
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