
Trust us when it comes to optic nerve diseases

State-of-the-art diagnostics and therapy

Ophthalmic practice for patients with optic nerve diseases

The optic nerve is a nerve that passes on all information received through the eye onto the brain. There are several diseases that can affect the eye and the optic nerve. Often, an increased intra-ocular pressure or different circulatory disturbances cause damage at the optic nerve.

Optic nerve diseases


We help you with your optic nerve disease

  • Our team of doctors can recognise optic nerve damages at an early stage.
  • We offer state-of-the-art diagnostics and therapy of optic nerve diseases.
  • Appropriate treatment will stop the disease progressing.



The most common optic nerve disease

The most common disease that affects the optic nerve is glaucoma.

In the course of the illness, intra-ocular pressure rises and causes circulatory disturbances of the optic nerve. Over the years, this leads to limitations of the visual field which occur at first on the outside (usually without notice), before they proceed to the inside, then causing significant visual loss. If the disease is not diagnosed at an early stage and remains untreated, a complete visual loss is possible.


What is the treatment for glaucoma?

  • First, it is crucial to distinguish the glaucoma type, which could be an angle-closure glaucoma, an open-angle glaucoma or a special type (PEX glaucoma, for example).
  • After deep basic examination including a check of the visual field, optic nerve examination including OCT, measuring the optic disc, the cornea, and the intra-ocular pressure, an appropriate therapy is decided on.
  • Usually, therapy with eye-drops is the first choice. In some cases, laser treatment or surgery is inevitable. Glaucoma treatment is in most cases a life-long matter. We gladly offer you corresponding advise and therapy.

Circulatory disturbance of the optic nerve


Opticopathy – The „stroke of the eye“

A circulatory disturbance in the part of the optic nerve that is closer to the eye (anterior ischaemic opticopathy – AION) resembles a stroke. It manifests through rapid vision loss with characteristic blackouts in the visual field.


What is the treatment of circulatory disturbances around the optic nerve?

  • First, we have to quickly recognise the illness and treat it.
  • It is also important to diagnose the causes which typically lie outside of the eye, like inflammation of the temple or brain arteries (inflammatory AION) or pathological cardiovascular changes (non-inflammatory AION), through interdisciplinary collaboration – and to give treatment, not least to avoid the illness at the other eye.


Circulatory disturbance of the optic nerve: Correct diagnosis is vital

It is also important to distinguish harmless anomalies of the optic nerve with little physical restraint (such as plaque on the optic disc) from more relevant findings that need treatment.

Diagnostics and therapy of optic nerve diseases


Diagnostics and therapies of optic nerve diseases which we offer:

  • Intra-ocular pressure measurement in respect of the cornea thickness
  • Manual and digital examination of the visual field
  • Optical coherence tomography (OCT) of the optic nerve
  • Visually evoked potentials of the optic nerve (VEP)
  • Ophthalmoscopy with Optos camera
  • Autofluorescence of the ocular fundus for the display of certain pathological findings
  • Interdisciplinary collaboration with colleagues from different medical branches to identify the causes of the disease