Diagnosis and therapy of eye diseases
Our ophthalmic practice at the heart of Düsseldorf is keen to help you with expert assistance with all problems and concerns around your eyes and vision. We are specialised in retinal diseases, especially macular degeneration, and retinal changes through diabetes.
Our ophthalmologist therapy and diagnostics services for you:
Our spectrum of services ranges from general ophthalmologist examination to early detection of glaucoma up to adjuvant functional testing and imaging techniques such as ocular fundus photography and optical coherence tomography (OCT). Here, we have specialised in retinal diseases and diseases of the optic nerve.
State-of-the-art ophthalmologist treatment
We offer our patients, inter alia, professional retina and secondary cataract therapy by laser, as well as intravitreal injection for medicative treatment of macular and retinal vessel diseases.
Interdisciplinary collaboration
To achieve top treatment of ocular issues caused by general illnesses apart from the eyes, our practice collaborates with a network of specialised physicians from „neighbour“ fields of expertise. Thus, we established excellent relationships to physicians for internal medicine, neurology, pediatrics, otorhinolaryngology, dermatology, and to radiologists specialised on neuroradiology.
Your well-being is our main concern. Benefit from the whole of our spectrum of service in a friendly and personal atmosphere.
Diagnostics and therapy overview:
- Diagnostics and therapy of age-related macular degeneration
- Diagnostics and therapy of diabetes-induced changes of the retina
- Diagnostics and therapy of retinal and/or macular changes for shortsighted patients
- Diagnostics and therapy of specific retinal circulatory disturbances
- Laser for retina therapy
- Laser for secondary cataract therapy
- Laser for glaucoma therapy
- Intravitreal injection of medicaments such as Lucentis, Eylea, Avastin, Ozurdex for macular and/or retinal vessel diseases
- Cataract detection and therapy
- Diagnostics and, if applicable, therapy of diseases of the optic nerve