On May 11, 2019, PD Dr. Lemmen will invite colleagues as host of the anniversary symposion „Düsseldorf Update Ophthalmology DUO“ to join in an exchange on ophthalmology that will be not entirely evidence-based.
The schedule covers topics from retinology and glaucomatology – PD Dr. Lemmen’s and our ophthalmologist practice’s field of expertise.
The symposion for eye medicine allows colleagues to gain an advanced training certification according to the guidelines of the Bundesärztekammer and collect CME points.
PD Dr. Lemmen has been hosting expert congresses for ophthalmology for many years and fosters exchange and knowledge growth among his colleagues.
Find more information on the symposion website: “Düsseldorfer Update Ophthalmologie DUO”
Update: Anniversary symposion „Düsseldorf Update Ophthalmology DUO“ was a great success