Patients with AMD are mainly suffering from diminished visual acuity. However, it is not necessarily a given that patient go blind in the course of the illness. Many patients affected from AMD keep a basic visual acuity at generally reduced eyesight.
For everyday life, there are various helping tools that enable AMD patients to participate to a slightly limited extent. The optical industry offers a great variety of products unter the term „enlarging visual aids“. The assortment includes magnifying glasses, screen reading devices, and even voice computers.
Patients should ideally seek advise from experts who know the possibilities and the offered visual aids. Simple remedy is achieved for many AMD patients through the use of reading devices that enable a significant enlarging of text.
Helping tools with light and enlargement
With an illuminated magnifier, words and text can be perfectly illuminated. TV sets or computer screens can be used again thanks to big screen magnifiers.
Magnifying glass spectacles that are individually adjusted to the patient can be taken everywhere and provide help for affected people at any place.
Transportable electronic reading devices
Modern technology allows to have words, text, and images displayed 50 times bigger. Since these devices are transportable, a new quality of life for people concerned is possible not only at home.
Electronic reading devices or magnifying glasses are expensive, but they can can improve everyday life for macula patients quite substantially.
For patients with diminished visual acuity, there is an range of products like special remote controls or telephones for the visual impaired, providing very big and well palpable buttons.
Technical gear that also provides a voice output can be of help for very severely disabled persons. Clocks, kitchen equipment or medical devices – in many cases, an adequate solution already exists.